Saturday, August 31, 2013

Unit 2

Develop an activity diagram based on the following narrative. Note any ambiguities or questions that you have as you develop the model. If you need to make assumptions, also note them. The shipping department receives all shipments on outstanding purchase orders. When the clerk in the shipping department receives a shipment, he or she finds the outstanding purchase order for those items. The clerk then sends multiple copies of the shipment packing slip. One copy goes to
John and Jacob, Inc.: Online Trading System John and Jacob, Inc. is a regional brokerage firm that has been successful over the last several years. Competition for customers is intense in this industry. The large national firms have very deep pockets, with many services to offer clients. Severe competition also comes from discount and Internet trading companies. However, John and Jacob has been able to cultivate a substantial customer base from upper- middle-income clients in the northeastern United States. To maintain a competitive edge with its customers, John and Jacob is in the process of modernizing its online trading sys- tem. The modernization will add new features to the existing system and expand the range of interfaces beyond desktop and laptop computers to include tablet computers and Purchasing, and the department updates its records to indicate that the purchase order has been ful- filled. Another copy goes to Accounting so a pay- ment can be made. A third copy goes to the requesting in-house customer so he or she can receive the shipment. After payment is made, the accounting depart- ment sends a notification to Purchasing. After the customer receives and accepts the goods, he or she sends notification to Purchasing. When Purchasing receives these other verifications, it closes the pur- chase order as fulfilled and paid.

List and briefly describe the six information gathering techniques.
       Interview users and other stakeholders- an effective way to understand business functions and business rules
Distribute and collect questionnaires- enables analysts to collect information from a large number of stakeholders
Review inputs, outputs and documentation- internal documentation and external journals and studies.
Observe and document business procedures- in order to understand exactly what goes on in the business and business functions.
Research vendor solutions- consult other firms to see if they have already solved your business' problems. 
Collect active user comments and suggestions- user feedback.

ACTIVITY DIAGRAM :describes user (or system) activities, 
the person who does each activity, and the sequential flow of these 
APPLICATION ARCHITECTURE: The organization and construction
of software resources to implement an organization's information
CLIENT: Person or group that provides funding for a system development project. 
CLOSED-ENDED QUESTIONS : Questions that elicit specific facts.
DESIGN CONSTRAINTS: Restrictions to which the hardware and software must adhere.
EXECUTIVE STAKEHOLDERS: persons who don't interact directly with the system but 
who either use information produced by the  system or have a significant financial 
or other interest in its operation and success.
EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS : Persons outside the organization"s control and influence who interact with the system or have a significant interest in ints operation or success. 
FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS : The activities the the system must perform.

Furps is an acronym that stands for functionality, usability, reliability, performance and security.
FURPS -> A requirements classification framework( acronym stands for functionality, usability, reliability, performance, and security.)

FURPS+: an extension of FURPS that includes design constraints as well as implementation, interface, physical and supportability requirements. 
GRAPHICAL MODELS: System models that use pictures and other graphical elements. Graphical models make it easier to understand complex relationships that are difficult to follow when described as a list or narrative.
IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS: describe constrains such as required programming languages and tools, documentation method and level of detail, and a specific communication protocol for distributed components. 
INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS: describe interactions among systems.
INTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS : are those within the organization who interact with the system or have a significant interest in its operation or success. You may be tempted to define internal stakeholders as employees or any organization but some organizations such as nonprofits and educational institutions have internal users ( volunteers and students ) who are not employees. 
MATHEMATICAL MODELS: System models that describes requirements numerically or as mathematical expressions.
MODEL: A representation of some aspect of the system being built. 
NONFUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Are characteristics of the system other than those activities it must perform or support.
WORKFLOW: The sequence of processing steps that completely handles one business transaction or customer request. Workflows may be simple or complex. Complex workflows can be composed of dozens or hundreds of processing steps and may include participants from different parts of an organization. 
USABILITY REQUIREMENTS Operational characteristics related to users such as the user interface, related work procedures, online help and documentation Additional requirements might include menu format, color schemes, use of the organization's logo and multilingual support
UNIFIED MODELING LANGUAGE (UML): Standard set of Model constructs and notations defined by the Object Management Group. By using UML analysts and end users are able to depict and understand a variety of specific diagrams used in a system development project. Violet is a UML editor with these benefits: Very easy to learn and use. Draws nice-looking diagrams. Completely free. Cross-platform. Violet is intended for developers, students, teachers, and authors who need to produce simple UML diagrams quickly
TEXTUAL MODELS : test-based system models such as memos, reports, narratives and lists, Analysts use such textual models as memos, reports, narratives and lists to describe requirements that are detailed and are difficult to represent in other ways. narrative description is often the best way to initially record information gathered verbally from stakeholders, such as during an interview. In many cases, narratives and other textual models are later converted into a graphical format.
TECHNOLOGY ARCHITECTURE: A set of computing hardware, network hardware and topology, and system software employed by an organization. 
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS : The activities a system must perform or support and the constraints that the system must meet.
SYNCHRONIZATION BAR: Activity diagram component the either splits a control path into multiple concurrent paths or recombines concurrent paths. The heavy solid line is a synchronization bar.
SWIMLANE HEADING : An activity diagram column containing all activities for a single agent or organizational unit. The swimlane heading represents an agents who performs the activities, it is common in a workflow to have different agents ( people) performing different steps of the workflow process, the swimlane symbol divides the workflow activities into groups showing which agent performs which activity 
SUPPORTABILITY REQUIREMENTS: Describe how a system is installed, configured, monitored and updated. Example might be download of updates from a support server. 
STAKEHOLDERS: Persons who have an interest in the successful implementation of the system. Stakeholders are your primary source of information for your system requirements. 
SECURITY REQUIREMENTS: Requirements that describe how access to the application will be controlled and how data will be protected during storage and transmission. 
RELIABILITY REQUIREMENTS : Requirements that describe system dependability. 
PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: Characteristics of hardware such as size, weight, power consumption, and operating conditions. 
PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS: Operational characteristics related to measures of workload, such as the throughput and response time. 
OPERATIONAL STAKEHOLDERS: Persons who regularly interact with a system in the course of their jobs or lives. 
 Unit 2 Practice Quiz Overview
Technology architecture->Hardware,network , system software
Application Architecture -> SOftware, program language and development tools, User-Interface technology
Nonfunctional requirements -> Characteristics of the system other than the business procedures it must support. 
FURPS-> functionality, usability, reliability, performance, security
MODEL-> A representation of some aspect of the system being built. 
UML -> Unified Modeling Language
Technical StakeHolders -> A group that provides direction for the configuration of the new system in the existing computing environment. 
Closed-Ended Questions-> Questions that have simple, definitive answers
->->During a fact finding interview it is important to probe to get sufficient details.
->->Every successful Interview requires preparation. 

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